Welcome to our supplier e-sourcing portal
In the water industry we always face new challenges and, with a vision of being an outstanding water company that delivers service excellence, the supply chain is integral to our business.
Within the portal you will find essential information on how we do business when e-sourcing for goods, services and works. The portal provides a simple, efficient and secure process for managing e-sourcing and quotation activities. To receive automatic tender notification, please register now and you will receive alerts when opportunities arise.
You will find details on our values and expected behaviours from our suppliers in the links below:
- Supplier Code of Conduct – under development
- Modern Slavery Policy
Bid Assessment Framework
Our Bid Assessment Framework is a guide to support the bidding market for water resources, demand management and leakage reduction services when tendering. It should be read along with our Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP).
The framework sets out the process for inviting and assessing third party bids, based on the key principles of; transparency, equal treatment/non-discrimination and proportionality. The framework adheres to procurement principles and competition obligations within the tender process.